How useful is personal accident insurance for you?

Life is so uncertain that you can't predict what it will show in the next second. Therefore, it is necessary to secure your life before it's too late because an accident can occur at any time without any warning. And, it can leave a significant impact on the mind, body and finances. Hence, it is very important to purchase personal accident insurance to protect yourself and your family from such a situation. 


How useful it is to buy personal accident insurance -

To get financial assistance for you and your family, personal accident insurance is useful is important for people in the event of an accident that leads to bodily injury, temporary total disability, permanent total disability permanent partial disability and death. Where in case of accidental death and permanent partial disability, the insurance company will pay 100%. And, for other disabilities insurers pay compensation accordingly. 


Let's see some of the facts about accidents in India –

More than 1200 accidents occur every day. In 2017 more than 4.64 lakh accidents were reported and nearly 1.47 lakh people died due to road accidents says, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. And, there was a rise of about 1.68% in the number of accidents reported in 2018. 


Personal Accident Insurance types -

There are two types of personal accident insurance and group personal accident insurance. The group PA is there to cover employees for business owners whereas Individual PA is available for individuals to guard against accidental damages. Group PA depends on the size of the company, number of employees and other parameters as per the terms and conditions. Individual PA covers accidental death, permanent and partial disabilities of the insured. 


In final words, now you know why it is important to buy personal accident insurance and what the benefit of buying is. However, be careful and understand all terms and conditions before you buy personal accident insurance. 


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